Edelweiss Snowfresh Weissbier
Lobkowicz Demon 13° - I was surprised to find this beer classified as a Vienna, as I haven't had very many of the style. This Czech version was coppery with a small tight head, with a nice strong malty nose. Flavour was also malt accented with some grassy hop accents. The aftertaste was again malty and toasty. A nice find. Rating 3.5
Brooklyn Lager - Imagine my surprise finding another Vienna to rate just a few days after the Demon. Brooklyn advertises this one as a "pre-Prohibition" styled lager. I enjoyed this one a bit more than Demon. It was a great beer to look at - orange/gold in colour with a lasting sticky white head. Aroma was floral, flavour was somewhat fruity (citrus/apricot) with a hoppy, dry finish. Another good lager to session while the sun beats down on you. Rating 3.7
O Hanlons Goodwill Bitter - I just picked this up on my last beer shopping trip because I love a good bitter, especially a Camra approved bottle conditioned 500ml bottle of it. Upon getting it home I noticed St Nick on the label. Yup, a Christmas seasonal just became available to us at the end of May. I also noted that when I popped the cap, the cap liner had a gummy layer of yeast under it, leading me to believe the bottle spent some time upside down on it's journey from Devon, England to Edmonton, Alberta. It poured a hazy orange with a small receeding white head. The aroma was standout with some candied orange and sweet malt behind it. The beer was solid flavourwise, malty with a citrusy bitter finish. Fairly light bodied with fine light carbonation, a great session pint. Looking forward to cracking the bottle of their Port Stout I also picked up! Rating 3.7
Bieropholie Cascade Plus - One of the many bottles I recieved in a mystery beer swap. This has the same malt bill as their regular Cascade IPA, but double the hops. It poured beautifully, orange in colour with a sticky, thick, merangue like head which lasted to the end of the glass. Tons of Cascades in the aroma, grapefruity with a touch of spice. Hoppy flavour, earthy in the finish. Went down way too easily for a 7%abv beer. I'll seek this out (and some more Bock Emassaire)if I'm ever in Quebec again. Rating 3.9
La Recidive
Brasseurs et Freres La Recidive - Another great bottle received in the mystery trade. I read in someone's review that Recidive means "second offence", which I guess eludes to the fact that you'll be reaching for another bottle of this great stout once you finish the first. The label shows a bandaged, somewhat derranged looking mouse returning to the mousetrap for another hunk of cheese. Very deep brown/black colour with a beige cap. Superb chocolatey aroma. Flavour had coffee, cocoa and a dark (blue?)berry like fruitiness beneath it all. Bitter, roasted finish. A lot of flavour packed into this 4.8%abv stout. Canadians can definately make some kick ass stouts (see St. Ambroise Oatmeal Stout, Dieu De Ciel Peche Mortel, Paddock Wood Bete Noire for starters)! Rating 4
Other beers I've recently had included the harsh, fizzy Carling Black Label Extra Old Stock malt liqour (Rating 1), the average Western Canadian amber Kootenay Mountain Ale (Rating 2.8), and an underacheiving, slightly lemony, corny pale lager from South Korea - Hite (Rating 1.5) Can't win all the time I guess...
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